Exported Bestsellers

Selected Best Quality

1688 Things to Note

Look before You Leap

  • Check the threshold and rules for wholesales of the seller

    If the quantity you order does not meet the minimum requirement of the seller, Superbuy will judge your order to be invalid and you will need to place a new order.

  • Choose sellers granted with “TrustPass”

    “TrustPass” sellers are more reliable in terms of quality and return/exchange service. Please consult Superbuy if you can not tell whether a seller has “TrustPass”.

  • Research, compare, and then choose the best deal

    Shop around and find the product with best price and quality through comparison. Surely, you can always consult Superbuy, we are happy to give you reasonable advice.

  • Final arrangements matter

    Remember to settle the rules of return and exchange with your seller and clarify things like under what circumstances you can return or exchange the products.

Superbuy Service Guide

Varied Services for Products from Different Sellers on 1688.com

Products from Type A Sellers


Marked by logos ofon their product description/store page

Available services include:

  • Purchase Service

    Purchase and Offer Storage upon order.

  • Quantity Check

    If the products come in their original packaging, Superbuy will not check the product quantity by unpacking them. Also, if the product quantity is not specified on the packaging, we will not remove the packaging and check the actual quantity for you.

  • Sampling Inspection Service

    Superbuy samples 5% of the total amount of every product (single SKU) for you (with a maximum sampling amount of 20 and minimum of 5). In case of 90% defect rate or beyond, the whole batch of goods will be determined flawed and reported to the user.

  • Limited After-sales Service

    If quality inspection finds substandard products, Superbuy will facilitate negotiation with the seller. Actual negotiation outcome is subject to rules of the seller. Users need to bear the cost of shipping caused by return/exchange.

Products from Type B Sellers


Unmarked by logos ofon their product description/store page

Available services include:

  • Purchase Service

    Purchase and Offer Storage upon order.

  • Quantity Check

    If the products come in their original packaging, Superbuy will not check the product quantity by unpacking them. Also, if the product quantity is not specified on the packaging, we will not remove the packaging and check the actual quantity for you.

  • No Sampling Inspection Service

    Superbuy does not provide the sampling inspection service.

  • No After-sales Service

    The seller does not provide after-sales service.

Purchase Procedure

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